Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Week in Running (thus far)

This faux polar vortex the nation has going on right now is kind of rocking my socks off. It feels so good out, there is like zero humidity. It is especially awesome because during the last week it has been OPPRESSIVELY hot. Like make you want to slap your grandmama hot.

I've gone on three runs this week. Gradually increasing my distance by a half mile each time, just so I'm careful not to aggravate that injury. But so far the runs are feeling pretty good and, they are not causing me any extra pain. 

Saturday, I suited up with my new shoes and fancy socks, and I went for a slow half mile jog on the treadmill. I was so scared that my leg would be hurting a few hours later, but I was hopeful the new shoes would make a difference. And they totally did! They are a true blessing. A few hours later I felt no worse than before my run.

So on Monday, I did another run on the treadmill, picked up the pace a bit, and did a mile. While I was running, my leg felt a little tight, so I was worried about how I would feel post-run. But again, I went through the evening with no extra pain. 

Today, with the weather feeling so gosh darn nice, I knew I had to do my run outside. I had planned to go home and head out to our local trail. But when I got home, Adam was very mad because our internet was out. He works from home, so that is a big problem. So he needed to take the car out to hunt down some free WiFi (it is back up now but painfully slow). Meaning no trail run for me.

I could not give up running outside, so I just did the loop by the apartment. Which is not pretty, and it is totally boring and repetitive. But it has fresh air, sunshine, and oxygen, so who am I to complain?

I did 1.5 miles, I was not even aware of any leg pain. I was able to do the first mile in 14:48! I was so excited to see a pace under 15 minutes. This happened on my last run pre-injury. It makes me so happy to see that my pace is slowly but consistently getting faster.  My ultimate goal is to improve my time by a couple of minutes and do a 10k, so I can declare a time and get a better corral at Disney!

Right now, I'm just kind of riding out the happiness high I feel after a successful run. And in the words of Augustus Waters, "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friends." And if you don't know who Augustus Waters is, I am a little disappointed (it is only from one of the best books out there, The Fault in Our Stars).

Until Next Time,

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