Monday, July 7, 2014

Injury, Rest, & Recovery

Last year, I struggled 8 months with sciatica. It really was one of the worst experiences of my life. I could barely move for months. I couldn't walk, and I struggled to sleep because I could not get comfortable.

The pain originally started last summer after lifting some coolers at work for our summer program. My doctor said my weight was worsening the injury, and it was one of my many factors that went in to me deciding to have weight loss surgery. A few months ago, as I started to lose weight, the pain quit.  I was so happy.

Que summer 2014. I'm yet again lifting coolers for work. Two weeks ago, I had to load 9 coolers into my car all by myself. The next day my leg was hurting in much the same way it hurt months ago. I was very worried. It didn't hurt as much as last time, so I went on with my life as usual. Then Saturday, I ran, and my leg really started to hurt a few hours after my run.

I was (am) really upset, I knew I would have to take a break from running. This is the most consistent I have ever been with my running and I don't want to stop. I don't want to lose my conditioning. I'm feeling slightly better today, but I am still in pain. I went to the doctor, and she said I needed to take a week off and rest with no heavy lifting or running. 

So I guess that is what I have to do. I'm not going to attempt to run till Saturday. I'm hoping a week off won't delay my training too much. I had a 10k race booked next weekend, but I'm going to have to skip it. I'm also going to fleet feet, so I can buy some supportive shoes since my current ones are a little worn out. Maybe that will make a difference?

I'm so worried that my leg won't get better, and I'll be delayed for months. But I just have to pray. I'm really going to miss running this week, I've gotten so used to taking everything out on the pavement!

Keep Your fingers crossed for me. I hope this is just one small hurdle in pursuing my dream!


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