It is hard to believe that 2 weeks from today I will be sitting in front of my computer constantly refreshing the
runDisney webpage so that I can register for my very first
Disney Princess Half Marathon. To say I am excited is an understatement. To say that I've been obsessing over this moment since March when Brittany and I decided to take it on, would be the honest truth. I honestly can't believe it is within reach.
I'm finding it hard to believe that it is only 7 months until the race. Given that today is July 1st, I decided that I really need to buckle down on the training wagon and get my diet under control. I know in order to be at my best I need to eat as clean as possible. I also need to make sure I'm training regularly. So here are my July Goals for success:
Run a Minimum of 3 days a week
Cross Train 2-3 days a week
Log on myfitnesspal daily (janak2004 is my handle)
Meatless Mondays
Dairyless Tuesdays
Breadless Wednesdays
Sweetless Thursdays
No Fried Food Fridays
Water ONLY Weekdays (with exception of Gatorade for runs)
Today was Day 1 of my redo 5 mile week. I finished in 1:17, which is under the Disney requirement. I know I want to get my speed up, but right now I'm focusing on my distance and I will work on speed as I go. My goal is eventually get up to the 13 mile mark and complete it in under 3:30. If I can do that on my own, I can then work on picking up my speed. My goal before the race is a 3hr race, but if it takes me the whole time I won't be disappointed.
I hit a wall around mile 3 today and tried to justify stopping and just calling it a day. I thought of EVERY reason possible, but then yelled at myself for being so stupid. If I can't handle 5 miles, how on earth do I expect to handle 13.1? After giving myself a brief, but stern talking to, I realized that I was almost done with mile 4 and I should just shut up and keep going. At mile 4.3 my feet started to kill me. Again, I could see the car right up the road and I knew I could just go on there and not worry about the last 7 tenths, but the voice of reasoning kicked in and I pushed through. When I finished I was hot, sweaty, and my feet hurt, but I was so happy that I had made it all the way through. Sometimes I can be my worst enemy. I know I need to get out of my head and just do it.
I got to thinking about all the excuses I make as a runner about why I can't do it and what others have told me in the past about why they refuse to run. I have created this list of excuses and facts for your reading entertainment.
1. Excuse- Running is too hard on your body.
Fact- Running IS hard on your body, but the more you do it the less difficult it is.
2. Excuse- Running hurts too bad.
Fact- Again, YES, it does hurt, but not in a bad way. It hurts in a "I am kicking butt" sort of way.
3. Excuse- You get all hot and sweaty.
Fact- I do get all hot and sweaty, but the most rewarding part of my entire workout is pulling off my sweaty clothes after a good workout and taking a nice, hot, relaxing shower. There is no other feeling that can compare to that. And FYI, that sweat is toxins leaving your body. The more you sweat, the better.
4. Excuse- I don't have time.
Fact- You have to make time. A one hour run is only 4% of your day. In the time it took you to read this blog post, you could have already started a good workout. Get out there and do it.
5. Excuse- I'm too tired.
Fact- A good run will actually make you less tired. You will be amazed at the boost of energy you get. A runner's high is the best thing ever.
6. Excuse- I'm too self conscious. People will talk about me if I get out there.
Fact- You would be amazed at how wrong you are. I have more people that give me a thumbs up and a kind word than anything when I go run. Nobody is focusing on you. Nobody is thinking what you think they are. Believe it or not, you might just be inspiring them. Keep going! Don't stop!
I'm sure there are a lot more excuses. Feel free to add them in the comments with your facts. I'd love to see what other pitfalls people have.
Start the month of July off right! Get out there and Run! No more excuses! You can do it! :)
Talk to you soon,