Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ready, Set, React...

Yesterday's post was a bit tough for me. I didn't realize when I was writing it how many other people struggled with the same things that I do. I was so overwhelmed when people that I know and love were messaging me telling me "thank you" for posting because that is exactly how they feel. Want to know the kicker? Some of them are what I would deem as "skinny", "gorgeous", "beautiful", "fit", etc. It goes to show you that you don't really know everyone and each person has their own story full of trials and tribulations. My goal is to start being more mindful of the people around me and working to make sure that I'm not labeling people, because honestly it goes both ways and I know I'm just as guilty of it as anyone.

I found this picture on Pinterest. "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it" It hit a nerve with me. I found myself realizing that yesterday I reacted in a new way. I didn't sit back and cry and let the words of another person put me down. I didn't remove the picture and give the person what they wanted. I simply reacted. My reaction was to put it into words. I've always been a writer and whenever I would feel sad or angry or upset I could simply pick up a pencil and paper and write until I had no more feelings. Looking back, I somehow knew that once I wrote everything down I would feel better. And I do. :) I feel better because now I know what I need to do if I ever feel that way again and that is to just let it out and stop bottling it up. It's such a freeing feeling.

This weekend I'll be heading to Memphis with Brittany to run my very first Glow in the Dark Foam Run. Our team name is "ET Foam Home" and I'm looking forward to spending a fun evening with Brit and working on our fitness. After we finish our race (and hopefully get cleaned up) we have plans to go see The Fault in Our Stars. I'm pretty excited about it because it's one movie that I have REALLY wanted to go see. On Saturday we are planning to go to the Civil Rights museum, which I'm really excited about. I'm so glad Brittany is a nerd like me and doesn't mind doing "educational" things when we take trips. She's a huge history buff so I know this is right up her alley!

For those of you wondering, Brittany and I were college roommates at the "W" our senior year (Mississippi University for Women) and friends since our freshman year of college. I know I get asked a lot how we met and all that stuff. I'm not sure exactly other than we just started to hang out together. We had a pretty good group of friends and now that we are out of college we stay in contact with a couple of other girls we went to school with. We often do "W" girls weekends and I guess you could say that this is one of them. We are hoping to run into a few more of our "W" girls while we are in Memphis, but we shall see.

I plan on spending the rest of my day taking it easy and cleaning, etc. We are supposed to have a severe line of storms moving through so I want to make sure that we have everything ready in the event of an emergency. I hope that everyone else in the line of storms stays safe and I look forward to checking in with you soon. :)

Have a great day,

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