Monday, June 16, 2014

Glow in the Park 5K

As most of you know, Brittany and I are always looking for fun ways to train for upcoming races, so when she told me about the Glow in the Park 5k Foam Run I had to do it. I have a bucket list of races that I'm wanting to accomplish and a foam race was #7 on the list! What better way to mark it off the list than do it with one of my best friends?

The rules are simple enough.
Rule #1: Wear a white shirt.
Brittany and I entered our wardrobes and each found a satisfactory white shirt to wear for the race.

Rule #2: Apply black light activated paint to make the glow more fun.
Rule #3: Put on Glow in the Dark necklaces, bracelets, etc
Each of the runners was allowed to pick only one color of paint out of Green, Pink, and Yellow. Brittany chose pink and I chose green. They go so well together don't you think? We were also given each a glow necklace, a glow bracelet, and two finger lights to wear once it got dark. As you can tell, we didn't wait. LOL!

Rule #4: Show team spirit!
Our team name was ET Foam Home. Pretty creative if I do say so myself!

Rule #5: Masterfully get a picture with the "Honey Moon" on Friday the 13th
Okay, so maybe that wasn't a rule, but the next one won't happen until again until 2049 and that's too long to wait to get a photo op, so we found a good place to stop and took this amazing selfie. Notice how we are donning our glow gear. :)

Rule #6: Enjoy the foam cannon and make sure you get all sudsy!

The foam cannon was located on the top of the biggest hill in the race. I'm proud to say that Brittany and I both conquered this hill running and our reward was a few amazing pictures of us covered in foamy goodness! It was such a blast!

Rule #7: Catch an awesome black light selfie of you and your team.

At the end of the race, there are black light stations along the course so we made sure to stop at one and get the mother of all glow selfies. I documented it using my Nike Run app, so we have a nice little souvenir that we can enjoy forever. :)

If you have ever thought about doing a glow foam race, I encourage you to do it. It is really fun and it is a great time to fellowship with friends and fellow runners. And if you get an opportunity to do the one in Memphis, TN...DO IT!

Until later,

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