Thursday, August 7, 2014

Run Disney: Maleficent Costume Idea

I really enjoyed the movie Maleficent that came out a few months ago. I love when there is any kind of retelling of classic fairy-tales!  That is why I also love the play Wicked so much. I think Maleficent would be fun for a Run Disney event. Who doesn't like to pretend they are a little evil from time to time? MWHAHAHA (that is an evil laugh, in case you didn't pick up on it)!

So here is my take on Maleficent:

1. I love this Maleficent themed glitter running skirt with fire embellishments. Find it HERE.
2. Just say yes to Maleficent themed running ears! Find it HERE.
3. This purple and black feather necklace would be a great way to imitate Maleficent's Cape. Find it HERE.
4. If the feathers are too much, you might want to try this sleeping potion necklace complete with the spinning needle of doom. Find it HERE.
5. You know you are going to want to take a ton of pictures race day, most likely with your phone, so you might as well have a phone case that compliments your outfit. Find it HERE.
6. Last but not least,  some great purple and green running shoes, so your feet can match your ensemble! Find it HERE.

May You Never Require True Love's Kiss to Wake You From Your Nap,

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