Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Week of Moving and Semi-Slacking

I have been off track running wise since I went on vacation, I have just been so tired! When I got back from vacation, I immediately went back to work, and then that Friday we moved! Is there anything more exhausting than moving?

All that packing your stuff, then transporting your stuff, just so you can unpack your stuff all over again. It makes me feel like I have way too much stuff, or that I should run off into the wilderness and become a stuff-less, naked, swamp hermit. And let us not forget the having to clean your prior place! Ugh, I'm exhausted. Add working to the mix, and you have a good idea of how I'm feeling. 

It is hard to find the motivation to work out.  When I step on the treadmill, I'm surrounded by a mountain of boxes, and all I can think is, "I could be unpacking right now." I'm getting extremely paranoid I won't get back on track. Just because that has happened to me in the past. I'm also fearful I will lose all my stamina.

I have made a deal with myself and Jana to get running again on Saturday. I am tentatively thinking of doing the Watermelon Run 5k in Cullman, Alabama, just to guarantee I run that 3 miles on Saturday. I'm also just itching for a good race, it has been a while. But I will see how the rest of the week unfolds before I decide.

For now, I'm just working, packing, and trying to catch some sleep inbetween.

Here is to getting back on track,

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