Friday, September 5, 2014

A Lunch Time Run

I find it so difficult to get up 45 minutes early just so I can go for a run before work. I can literally only think of a handful of times that I have manged to drag my butt out of bed to work out.  I usually just decide to cancel the workout and rely on the 2nd alarm I set just in case I stay in bed. I am super proud of myself when I do get up however, and those runs give me so much energy throughout the day.

This morning I attempted to get up early yet again.  I failed miserably. This was unfortunate, because I needed to get home after work at a decent time to catch the Packer's game (ugh that loss was so heartbreaking). But I took my clothes to work anyway, determined to get off work on time, so I could get my run in before heading home for the game.

This was an usual weather day for Alabama though. Lately, it has been nothing but hot, hot, hot! But today was in the low 80's and overcast. Just perfect. Since I had my work-out clothes with me already, I decided to go for a lunch time run instead. I was worried about sweating during my work-out, only to have to get back to work to finish out the afternoon. But I decided to do it anyway.

I got to the local trail a little after 11, did my warm-up, and started running. The trail was so empty! I usually have to pass many people or am being continuously passed by others (which tends to make me nervous). But I only saw one person in the park during the whole run! It was lovely.

I did two miles total. My first split was 13:18 (fastest mile ever) and then my second was 14:15. My current goal is to get all my miles under 14:00 minutes. Right now, I'm just running 2-3 miles until my training for the Princess starts officially.

It is funny. I always assume a run will drain me for the rest of the day but it is the total opposite. It gives me such an energy boost that doesn't wear off till bedtime! I was able to power through the rest of my busy afternoon. Plus, it is nice to know you already have your work out done, and you won't have to squeeze it in later.

I love what running is doing for me lately. It is making me happier and healthier. And I'm hoping to get in some lunchtime runs in the future! I get ancy now if I go too long without running, my body starts craving all those endorphins. Man, I'm becoming so obnoxious lately with my, "I love to work out!" mantra! Just like the people I used to hate!

Over and Out,

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