Sunday, September 28, 2014

A 2 miler after 10 Days of No Milers

Guys, I have had a rough week and a half. Last Friday, I ended up in the E.R. for reasons that would totally be TMI, so I won't share. But let us say it was awful. I spent the whole week feeling like crap (so very weak and so very dizzy). Running was out of the question.

I started to feel a bit better a few days ago. So I knew it was time to get in a run this weekend. I ran some errands today and then took a nap. Once I woke up from the nap, I knew I could put off my run no longer. I usually don't put off runs, I usually like to knock them out as soon as possible. But being that it had been so long since I went for a run, I felt nervous.

I'm not sure why. A part of me worries I will lose the fitness I've built up I guess. I always think I won't be able to run at all if I take a break. I just can't help myself. I'm so proud of how far I've come, that going backwards would devastate me.

I will not tell a lie, I felt a little clumsy on tonight's run. My time was also a little slower (by about 20-30 seconds) per mile than it usually is. But I'm not worried about my speed tonight. I completed my 30 minute run and that is all that matters to me.

I'm so happy to have this first run after illness behind me. The official Princess Half Marathon training starts on Tuesday (I'm so pumped). I would have hated to start my training with the fears that I had tonight. Now I can got into it with confidences.

Be on the lookout for training updates from Jana and me as our training kicks off!


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