It's been a while, but we are BACK! :) Forgive B and I for our non posting the last few weeks. The holidays got the best of us. However, we are still running so no worries! :)
Three weeks ago we ran in a 10K in Franklin, TN. The goal was to get a really good time so that we could move up in the Disney corral and sadly for me, my shoe completely blew out at mile 4. When I say "blew out" I mean that I had a huge hole in the bottom of my shoe. I pretty much finished the last 2 miles of the race with my sock and the ground. I ended up getting a giant blister, which was very painful and made for a not so fun walk looking at Christmas lights. However, I still beat my first 10K time I ever had, so I guess it wasn't that bad. :)
B and I FREEZING our butts off! It was 23 degrees at the beginning of the race. It was only 35 by the time we finished!
Oh, you know...just chilling with our bestie. ;)
Trying to enjoy looking at the lights even though I was in a lot of pain.
A week went by and then it was time in our training to do our 7 mile run, which is the furthest that I have ever done before. I was feeling pretty discouraged because I had finished my 10k in 1:43:08 and that was not good enough to move up in the corral. To add insult to injury, I had almost been swept from the course, but thankfully made it to the 5 mile marker so they allowed me to finish. So needless to say, I was really feeling overwhelmed about trying to get in 7 miles and it not taking forever.
I was at my parents visiting for Thanksgiving so I laced up my shoes and headed out to the track across the street from their house. Each lap is a half mile, so I knew I had to do 14 laps to get in my mileage. I put on my headphones, turned on my Nike Run app, and started out. I realized pretty quickly that for some reason I had almost finished a full mile and it didn't seem like it had taken that long. When my app updated me on my distance I cheered loudly! I was super proud! I had beaten my fastest mile EVER!
After knowing I had a sub 13 mile, I kept pushing myself. When I hit 3.12 miles, I got the next major update that I had beaten my fastest 5K time. I was so excited! I was not quiet halfway there, but I knew I was getting closer.
When I FINALLY hit my 10K goal, I got the shock of my life! I had beaten my time of my previous 10K just two weeks before by 20 minutes! Why couldn't I have had that time when it mattered? Ugh! LOL! (B's time was 1:24:00. We could have finished pretty close together!)
When I finished my 7 miles I was so overwhelmed. It was officially the furthest I had ever run.
Knowing that I am now able to do over half of my half marathon distance is so awesome! I cannot wait until I crush my 8 mile run this weekend! And I know I can do it because I've got the drive and the want and a friend who won't let me fail!
Get out there and run, run, run... In the words of Peter Pan..."You can fly, you can fly, you can fly"
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