Friday, September 19, 2014

Gone For Too Long...

I know....I know. Go ahead and berate me. I've not kept my end of the bargain and I have neglected to post for almost 3 full weeks. If it weren't for Brit reminding me that I have obligations to keep up with I probably wouldn't be typing this one now.

My work schedule has been absolutely crazy. Add a new curriculum, a building full of new people, and helicopter parents, you have the makings of an insane person! LOL! On top of everything else, I had a stress fracture I have been having to let heal. Needless to say, my running has taken a hit.

Our official training starts at the end of this month, so I know by then my foot will be 100% healed. I'm so ready to get started! B and I are REALLY looking forward to getting ready for this race.

Anyway, I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I'll be back later this weekend with a post of my Top 10 Disney "Want to Do's". Keep an eye out!

Enjoy your weekend,

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