Tuesday, August 26, 2014

BEST DAY EVER...After my run that is...

You know when you have just one of "those" days? Well I've had one of those weekends that led into week. I got home Friday night to it raining in my kitchen. That's not an exaggeration either. Water pouring into my apt from upstairs. I was NOT happy and it took until Sunday night at 6:30 to get it fixed! Woke up 15 minutes before I had to leave for work on Monday and was in a grouchy mood at work. During planning, I felt like I snapped at my team members so I sent them all an email to apologize and chose to have a better day. Today was a similar day. I woke up to water on my kitchen floor AGAIN (even though the guy said he had fixed it) AND a kitchen full of black ants! Where they came from I have no idea! I got to work and it was a rough day with too much to do and not enough time to get it done. I felt like I couldn't get out of this funk until...I went for one of the most epic runs of my running career!

I BEAT MY PR FOR MY FASTEST MILE EVER BY 15 WHOLE SECONDS!!!!! When I started this journey little over 2 years ago I could barely do a mile in 21 minutes. Today I ran a mile in 13:30! My fastest time to date was 13:45. For someone who has never been a "runner", I'm claiming it today! The best part of the whole thing? All of the frustration and the anxiety and the being upset completely evaporated as soon as I hit that first mile in 13:30 and then was REALLY gone at mile 2 with the same time. I am so blessed and excited that I'm FINALLY seeing results in my speed! My goal by Disney in February is a consistent 12 minute mile. I'll gladly take anything less, but I'm striving for 12. :)

I just had to share! I hope that everyone is having a WONDERFUL day and reminding you to never give up on your goals! Eventually you will reach them! I did today and I couldn't be happier!

Much Love,

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